On 31 January 2015 members from Rotary Clubs across District 5000 came together for the Boots, Jeans, & Cowboy Hats Foundation Dinner at the Oahu Country Club.


On 31 January 2015 members from Rotary Clubs across District 5000 came together for the Boots, Jeans, & Cowboy Hats Foundation Dinner at the Oahu Country Club.  The featured speaker was Ezra Teshome, PDG of District 5030.  Ezra, being Ethopian decent, has been able to led a number of trips to Ethiopia to provide life saving polio vaccinations to children throughout villages.  Members of the Windward Oahu Rotary Clubs were well represented.  The Windward Oahu Sunrise Rotary Club was especially proud to have a new Paul Harris Fellow among recognitions.